BBB High rating Permanent Makeup, Clearwater, Largo and Tampa's Highest Trained and Experienced Permanent Cosmetic Makeup Artist, Leading permanent cosmetic makeup Tampa Bay, Most Experienced Permanent Eyebrow Designer St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo and Tampa, St. Petersburg's Highest Trained and Experienced Permanent Cosmetic Makeup, The Highest Rated Permanent Cosmetic Makeup in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo and Tampa

Highest Rated Cosmetic Makeup Clinic St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, and Tampa

There are permanent cosmetic makeup artists all over the place in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Tampa but, what training and experience do they have? It is really dangerous because it is your face. Only trust it too highly skilled and experienced Expert Permanent Cosmetic Makeup Cosmetic Master Artist.  Another thing that is very important is to see where they were trained and how much real training they had. The very best permanent cosmetic makeup in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, and Tampa have many 5 star reviews on google. Plus, the best permanent cosmetic makeup has many training certifications from high ranking permanent cosmetic colleges to show plus many references if asked for. Plus, be sure you see untouched pictures and see the work. This is a picture of a full face permanent cosmetic makeup correction. Karen redid the permanent eyebrows by changing the color, repaired the permanent eyeliner that was sloppy all over the place and changed totally correcting the lip shape. This was a half day job but, the client was so happy after living with poor permanent cosmetic makeup for so long. Karen began her permanent cosmetic career in 1993 in Southern California spending 300 hours learning all aspects of permanent makeup. But, that was not near enough for Karen to be the best in the business of permanent cosmetic makeup. Then she traveled over and over again to Premier Pigments outside Dallas learning all the latest and became a Master  Permanent Cosmetic Artist and Instructor. Karen stands behind her work and gives 110% to everything she does to ensure the client’s happiness. Karen was doing permanent makeup when most of these people didn’t know what permanent cosmetic makeup was.

BBB High rating Permanent Makeup, Clearwater, Largo and Tampa's Highest Trained and Experienced Permanent Cosmetic Makeup Artist, Leading permanent cosmetic makeup Tampa Bay, Most Experienced Permanent Eyebrow Designer St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo and Tampa, St. Petersburg's Highest Trained and Experienced Permanent Cosmetic Makeup, The Highest Rated Permanent Cosmetic Makeup in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo and Tampa

Micro-Blading Eyebrows St. Petersburg, Clearwater and Tampa

I wrote a serious post describing everything about micro-bladed eyebrows, micro-blading eyebrows, micro blading semi-permanent eyebrows and then the wrong button and it was lost. So this post will be short because it is 11pm. All micro-blading eyebrows are is hair strokes created with a hand tool.  A brow is drawn on with a special tattoo marker and then in the natural lines of the brows hairs are created. This method is the rage right now but, it is not truly permanent eyebrows. This lasts a year maybe two. There are different methods of permanent eyebrows that I show you when you come in for a consultation to be sure what type of permanent eyebrow you want. I am a true Master Permanent Cosmetic Makeup Artist since 93 and my passion is creating beautiful faces.
